The NI Alpaca Group arranges and supports training courses, to help us understand how to better care for our wonderful animals.
In time for the 2023 birthing season the NIAG were delighted to offer an in person training event on birthing and cria development given by specialist camelid vet Sarah Caldwell.
Suitable for new and experienced breeders as well as vets.
Date: Saturday 27th May 2023
Time: 10am – 4.30pm
Location: Carntall Primary School, Clogher, Co Tyrone BT76 0UY
To book please email Lesley on chair@alpacani.org
If you would like to join the NIAG it is free for the first year for new members
BAS Webinar Details and YouTube Links (NIAG are a regional group of the British Alpaca Society)
YouTube links for previous Webinars:
- Andrea Turner – Preparing for Birthing: Forewarned is fore-calmed https://youtu.be/XnAGPkxjQwY
- Courtney Pye – Fibr testing https://youtu.be/wo52Q5-0PhI
- Mary Jo Smith – The new fleece judging system https://youtu.be/MgTfcwGFpu4
- Sam Lane- Seed Mixes and pasture management https://youtu.be/0MburIP0yKk
- Ami Sawran from Westpoint Vets- Injection techniques and good medicine storage for alpacas https://youtu.be/rwfk8bZObJ8
- Magdelena Sobula- British Alpaca Fibre and slow fashion https://youtu.be/JwyJmfQSL3A
- Libby Henson, Using the registry and App https://youtu.be/sas_w6IjEpA
- Dr Kylie Munyard – Colour genetics in alpacas https://youtu.be/ShuwaozkmBA
- Victoria Barret, Camelidynamics https://youtu.be/lIeZEpK3fjg
- Neil Payne, Diversification https://youtu.be/Xoph2hzXNsE
- Paul Vallely, Fleece Analysis https://youtu.be/x61SOhudTMQ
- Tim Hey, preparing for Shows https://youtu.be/3piyyaokGHY
- Sue Loach, Basic Husbandry https://youtu.be/V8h_ho9x2uI
- Sarah Caldwell, Preparing for Birthing https://youtu.be/WcTeACCBsZI
- Duncan Pullar Estimated Breeding Values https://youtu.be/qnuHyMdjfBU
- Kate Brookes, Make Alpacas your business https://youtu.be/wIwbJctTzPo
- Ami Sawran, Alpaca Parasites https://youtu.be/ABab_fSXFGI